21 Sober Celebrities: The Ones that Chose a Life Without Alcohol

celebrities with alcohol addiction

The resistance to seeking help was partly due to the stigma and denial surrounding addiction. Russell Brand, the English comedian and actor, has been open about his past struggles with heroin addiction and other substances. Brand’s issues with drugs and alcohol began early in his career, impacting his personal life and professional trajectory. His resistance to treatment was initially driven by a mix of denial and the allure of fame. In 2015, over 15 million American adults over 18 years-old qualified as having an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), also known as an alcohol addiction and alcoholism. By far, alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the U.S. – and celebrities are no exception.

Coping with an Anxiety Disorder without Medication

celebrities with alcohol addiction

Out of all celebrities with drug addictions, 26% had struggled with heroin addiction. The willingness of celebrities in recovery to highlight their struggles is important in helping normalize the disease. John Mayer  – Sober musician who has publicly discussed his commitment to sobriety and its positive effects on his personal and professional life.

Celebs Who Were Honest About Their Journeys With Addiction And Recovery

celebrities with alcohol addiction

Recently, Demi opened up about this decision in an interview about their recent single and upcoming album. “After going through even more stuff last year — I came out of treatment again — and I realized I really want to do this for myself, and I want to make the best album possible,” Demi said on The Tonight Show. “Something that really represents who I am, and I think the best way to do that — and the easiest way to do that, and the most authentic — is to do it clean and sober.” Now sober from both drugs and alcohol for over 25 years, a report by Contact Music said Jada’s wake celebrities with alcohol addiction up call came when she was regularly drinking two bottles of wine. Best known to Stranger Things fans as Vecna, Jamie Campbell Bower stopped drinking eight years ago and has been open about his struggle with addiction. Posting a hopeful message to his Twitter in 2022, the actor shared that his drinking was hurting loved ones, but that he’d since turned a new leaf.

celebrities with alcohol addiction

Mindful Drinking

  • Then they kicked him out of the house when he was about 16, and he found himself living in the woods.
  • She has interviewed a range of musical artists and authors including Alyssa Edwards, Courtney Barnett, Confidence Man, The Vaccines, Loyle Carner, Gabrielle, and John Niven, and has written for publications like Metro, Reader’s Digest, ITV’s Woo!
  • “That’s an ongoing battle. I think there’s a story in there somewhere about trying to find my way through that and making it to where I am today.”
  • There’s no doubt that celebrities and accomplished people who are under stress are vulnerable to eating disorders, what with having to live in a goldfish bowl.
  • He said his brother also received a settlement from the archdiocese, and that he feels guilty for not protecting his brother, who died in 2014.
  • Famous pop/rock musician Billy Joel has admitted to struggling with alcohol abuse in his adult life.

Answering a question from a fan on his Twitter, Calvin said that drinking was “clearly affecting” his performances, but that now his shows were “a million times better.” “I was sick of waking up with a dry throat, sick of feeling bloated and sick of the decisions I make on it,” he said, also sharing that drink sometimes made him feel “numb.” One year into being sober, we think it’s working out pretty well. Rapper Jack Harlow quit drinking in 2021, crediting the move as one of the greatest decisions he’s ever made.

  • If you would have told me 365 days ago that I would be sober, happy, and about to be a mumma I would have laughed in your face,” the then-pregnant star gushed.
  • “During that time I avoided looking in the mirror, because I didn’t like the person who was looking back at me,” she recalled.
  • The sitcom and movie star sought treatment and said helping others was an important part of his own journey.
  • She says she became addicted to prescription painkillers she was given after a cosmetic procedure.
  • For Portman, these decisions extend beyond personal health and are closely tied to her ethical and moral perspectives.
  • Interestingly, the most common drug addiction among celebrities and affluent individuals is cocaine with 52% reporting recovery from cocaine addiction.
  • This is a post about self-love and about the greatest thing I’ve ever done,” she began in the caption alongside a photo of a sprinkle-covered milestone cake.

In 2002, Connecticut lawmakers increased the statute of limitations for people who were abused as minors, allowing them to file lawsuits up to age 48. Gray’s claim against the archdiocese was outside that time period, but he was able to reach a settlement though mediation, Garabedian said. After high school, he said he moved to Florida to get away from Connecticut and to straighten out his life. He said he worked in Florida for nine years as a drug and money laundering agent for the state Revenue Department.

celebrities with alcohol addiction